Red Soldier
In the internet movie series Red vs. Blue, a series of Public Service Announcement and special episodes were made. One was a humorous exposition on how real world interactions differ from internet interactions. In one sequence outlining a common internet experience, a red soldier interrupts a benign conversation between two other people by shouting insulting, profane, unrelated comments at the top of his lungs.
This struck my brother and me as a very, very funny bit of real Truth. We now refer to the internet lurker who suddenly bursts onto a forum or comment field with something irrelevant and profane as Red Soldier. We have personified this phenomenon by saying that no matter what you're doing on the internet, Red Soldier is standing by. He is patient, and no topic of conversation is too obscure for him. He will find his way into the deepest, most uncontroversial recesses of the internet to scream about Angelina Jolie's enormous lips, to insult you and your family, or just to register his disappointment in humanity--usually with his caps lock key in the upright and locked position.
Lock and load, Red Soldier, lock and load.
This struck my brother and me as a very, very funny bit of real Truth. We now refer to the internet lurker who suddenly bursts onto a forum or comment field with something irrelevant and profane as Red Soldier. We have personified this phenomenon by saying that no matter what you're doing on the internet, Red Soldier is standing by. He is patient, and no topic of conversation is too obscure for him. He will find his way into the deepest, most uncontroversial recesses of the internet to scream about Angelina Jolie's enormous lips, to insult you and your family, or just to register his disappointment in humanity--usually with his caps lock key in the upright and locked position.
Lock and load, Red Soldier, lock and load.